Driver Training (Driver Education):
My son has his learners permit, should I wait until closer to the time he is eligible to get his license to enroll him in a certified Driver Training Class?
No, in fact it works to his advantage to attend as soon as possible after he gets his permit. He will have a better understanding of rules of the road, what road signs, markers and traffic signals mean. He will learn the proper way to make left and right turns, the dangers of distracted driving, and much more. He can schedule his drives, spacing them out to help you know what he needs to focus on. At South Cherokee, we suggest you leave his last drive to just before he completes the road test, so our driving instructor can help him polish up his skills.
My daughter came home from class today and told us that we are teaching her wrong when we insist she hold her hands on the steering wheel at the 10 and 2 position. This was how I was taught, why is it wrong?
With the advent of air bags, the correct wheel position is 9 and 3 or even 8 and 4. This was especially important with the first generation bags. The bag would deploy at about 200 miles per hour and could break bones in your arm. Today, with improved air bags this is not quite as important an issue, but still provides some dangers.
The following was taken from the Petro Law Firm, P.C. website:
This new generation of airbags, known as “advanced airbags” is supposed to decrease the risk of airbag injuries. But they are not designed with children in mind and now there appears to be a new problem with sensors (airbag sensors note conditions such as seriousness of the crash and passenger size, posture, and proximity to the air bag, and automatically deploy the air bag at a higher or lower force or perhaps not at all).
The Safety Record Newsletter reported November 2011 that last May, General Motors issued a Technical Service Bulletin warning that, due to electromagnetic interference (EMI), when “certain electronic devices” such as computers, MP3 players and cell phones are placed in the front passenger seat of many recent models, the front passenger airbag indicator may illuminate, which would enable the airbag and activate the seatbelt reminder light and warning chime. In other words, your 1.5 pound iPad could activate the sensor. Read more about our Beginner Driver Training class >>>
Driver Improvement (Defensive Driving):
I do not have any infractions on my driver’s license and you are suggesting I take a Driver Improvement Class?
Georgia Law mandates that your insurance company allow you a minimum of 10% off your insurance for up to three years with a continued clean driving record. Every driver in your family can do the same.
- O.C.G.A. § 33-9-42 (2012) – Drivers over age 25
- O.C.G.A. § 33-9-43 (2012) – Drivers under age 25
Take this course at South Cherokee/Jasper Driving School for $45.00 (insurance purposes only). Ask your agent if they have our discount coupons for an additional savings. If your agent does not have these coupons ask him/her to call and we will provide them to him/her. - Read more about our defensive driving class >>
If I take this course for insurance reduction can I still use the certificate at D.D.S. to remove points from my record?
No, you must let us know the reason for taking the class when registering. We have to indicate that it is for point’s reduction or any other legal reason (for example court ordered) then the state mandated fee is $95, we are allowed to charge less if used for insurance purposes only. Read more about our defensive driving class >>
DUI/Risk Reduction (DUI Class):
I did not get an alcohol related DUI, I have a possession charge, why do I have to take this course?
Current Georgia law requires persons convicted of the following offenses attend a DUI/Risk Reduction class as a prerequisite to license reinstatement and/or probation requirements:
- DUI – driving under the influence (alcohol, illegal substances or prescription/OTC medication)
- Illegal possession or consumption of illegal drugs or other controlled substances
- Underage possession or consumption of alcohol
- BUI – boating under the influence (can lose boater registration)
The courts can also sentence people with other charges to attend this course. - Read More>>
When will this DUI go off my driving history?
DUI’s stay on your record forever in most states. In some instances, a driver’s DMV record is less damaging the more years that have elapsed since the offense. For example, in most employment applications, an applicant’s driving record is sought for the three prior years. A DUI conviction that falls outside of that period may not have to be disclosed if the application contains no other questions about convictions. Regularly obtaining and reviewing your driving record is advisable to keep tabs on potentially damaging information that may be disclosed and/or reviewed by third parties. Even an underage DUI stays on your driving history as an adult. Some people incorrectly assume that a DUI conviction will automatically be removed from a defendant’s driving record after a certain period of time elapses. Although many states have laws that retain a DUI conviction on a defendant’s driving record only for a set number of years, it is still possible to have a conviction on your criminal record forever.
The above information was obtained at the Mr.GA DUI website.
If you have further questions please contact us
Office Hours
250 Churchill Court Suite 200
Monday - Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed for lunch
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Got a question? Call 770.928.3679
Office Hours
1623 B East Church Street
Tuesdays & Thursdays
11:00 am – 7:00 pm
Closed for lunch
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Got a question? Call 706.692.1632
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